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RT-View supports multiple files

Software Releases February 24, 2010
RT-View can now load and display more than one NCOM file (or binary RT file) at the same time. Support for multiple NCOM files has been a huge piece of work for us. This work is paving the way for RT-View to support RCOM.
RCOM is the output format of the RT-Range. It contains the measurements from the RT-Range as well as the measurements from all the RTs. Being able to open multiple files is essential so that RT-View can support the RT-Range. In the RT-Range all the data from the hunter and target vehicles need to be displayed at the same time. The next release of the RT-Range is expected late April 2010 and RT-View support for RT-Range is one of the main features of this release.
Support for multiple files is also extremely useful when “tuning” the configuration of your RT. Using RT Post-process the configuration of the RT can be changed and then compared to the original configuration. By loading several NCOM files it is possible to see how different configurations affect the results and determine a better configuration for your RT. We use this feature a lot while analysing and improving customer data.
The exported KML files will contain a line for each file that is loaded in to RT-View so that they can be compared in Google Earth. The colour of each line can be configured so that the lines can be identified clearly. Flags for the start and end points have been added to the KML export so that you can see where the test starts and ends.

















Example showing RT3003 data compared to an RT2500 data in RT-View. In this case the RT2500 and the RT3003 are very close in their slip measurements, with the peak difference being about 0.3 degrees. This is well within the specification for the two systems.







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