OxTS develop clever, cost-effective, compact solutions for automotive, and survey and mapping applications. In order to make kit that best meets the needs of technicians, we research thoroughly and continually revise our offerings to save our customers’ time. Robert Gough, OxTS Product Engineer, has dedicated himself to becoming our in-house expert on ADAS testing (among his other skills!). Here Robert describes a day in his life.
1. When did you join OxTS, and what appealed to you about working for the Company?
I joined OxTS in September 2017, from the Broadcasting industry where I was responsible for providing engineers with precision measuring kit to test audio quality. I’ve always been fascinated by engineering in general and specifically the motor industry and so OxTS appealed to me for that reason. OxTS is a technology company that doesn’t just work at the cutting edge but is a vital tool for R&D teams to create their own cutting-edge technology for consumers.
2. What are your key responsibilities in your role as Product Engineer?
My main responsibilities are keeping on top of and briefing the company with changes to testing protocols and regulations to ensure that we keep ahead of customer’s changing requirements. I also assist sales managers with technical questions, plan and run demo events, and run R&D projects to develop new features.
3. Of the projects you’ve been involved with at OxTS so far, which stands out as best, and why?
Perhaps the demonstration events I’ve worked on – particularly in Poland, China and Germany. To take one example, one of the Poland single-day demonstrations consisted of a morning of theory, training and tips for getting the most from the products; and then an afternoon of practical demonstrations. It was very well attended – especially given the lack of OEMs in the country. I was able to gather valuable insight from our end users about their day-to-day workflows and specific use cases. The demonstrations also went well and customers told me they saw the benefit of the new features they were being shown.
4. What’s the best thing about your job?
The variety. From day to day I can be running an R&D project, helping customers with more niche applications, giving webinars or running a demo event at a customer’s site, halfway around the world. Coupled with the variety, I also enjoy working with the great team we have at OxTS – we really do pull together and share knowledge which makes for a healthy working environment.
5. What’s been your greatest challenge as an OxTS Product Engineer, and how have you overcome this?
My previous role was in a very different industry so it was an initially very steep learning curve to not just understand the products and how they function but the industry itself and how the RT is used. I’ve always learned best by doing, so I was lucky that my first project was very hands on and enabled me to spend time with the system, conducting tests and collecting data. This has given me an appreciation of the process new users of OxTS equipment go through, and how I can make things as easy as possible for them.
6. What’s next for you in your role as an OxTS Product Engineer?
The R&D team have been working hard and there are a lot of new features I’m looking forward to showing off to potential customers at demo events in the future. However, until that is possible, we’ve been conducting a series of webinars to take users through important developments we’ve made, changes to regulations they need to be aware of and some handy tips to help them get the best out of their systems. If you’d like to join any of my latest webinars please feel welcome to do so. I’ll be presenting ‘How to perform an AEB car-to-car test with a stationary target’ on Monday 11th May and Wednesday 27th May; and you can join me to learn ‘Best practice for Lane Departure Warning (LDW) and Lane Keep Assist (LKA) testing’ on Tuesday 12th May and/or Thursday 28th May. I’ll be running each webinar twice on each of those dates to accommodate participants across different time zones. And I’m currently working on some further webinar topics I’ll be running in June, so please check the Resources Hub on our website or social media channels for further news of those.