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RT3000 v4 Datasheet

Combining survey-grade GNSS positioning with OxTS’ best ever inertial measurement unit, the RT3000 v4 offers a robust, out-of-the-box navigation solution for uninterrupted position, orientation and motion data in all environments.

RT3000 v4


RT3000 v4 – DO 160 Datasheet

Combining OxTS’ highest performing MEMS IMU technology with dual antenna RTK GNSS, in an IP67-rated enclosure, the RT3000 v4 DO-160 delivers accurate position and inertial measurements even in the toughest environmental conditions.

RT3000 v4 DO-160


xRED3000 Datasheet:

Combining two survey-grade GNSS receivers and OxTS’ latest IMU10 inertial technology, the xRED3000 is engineered to be the GNSS/INS component for any product that needs accurate localisation, even in harsh environments.

AV200/xNAV650 Datasheet:

Designed to meet the needs of mobile mappers and autonomy customers, the xNAV650 and AV200 offer the same powerful performance, even in harsh GNSS environments.


RT Range Datasheet:

All-in-one measurement solution for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-lane testing. One “truth box” to ascertain all the range, motion and orientation measurements you need.

Georeferencer Datasheet:

Supporting a range of LiDAR models and navigation data from any GNSS/INS, OxTS Georeferencer allows you to quickly and easily boresight your sensor payload and generate high-quality georeferenced point clouds.

OxTS Infosheet



Revolutionising Road Safety – ADAS Testing

High-spec, reliable, flexible ADAS testing, and industry-leading V2L and V2V testing.

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Precisely positioned pointclouds – Land-based LiDAR Surveying

Equip your mobile mapping vehicle with a georeferencing solution that scales.

LiDAR Surveying Solution Brief

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Navigate Without Boundaries – Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR)

Build an autonomous mobile robot that can seamlessly navigate indoors and outdoors.

AMR Solution Brief

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Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)

Accurate, robust and affordable localisation for redundancy and georeferencing in ISR payloads.

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Does your ADAS performing the real world? – Open-road groundtruth testing

Maximise the accuracy of groundtruth reference data across your test vehicle fleet.

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Vehicle Dynamics Data That Delights – Vehicle Dynamics Solution Brief

Highly accurate performance data, with options for every vehicle

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