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Webinar: GX/IX: What is it? Why use it? And how to get the best from it?

Webinars May 7, 2020 Webinar

Many environments such as urban canyons, bridges and tree cover can make it difficult for GNSS-based systems to perform, in part, due to reduced satellite visibility and signal multi-path.

You can, however, still realise cm-level accuracy with OxTS gx/ix™ tight-coupling technology.

Combining OxTS’ own RTK/PPK navigation processing engine, as well as a tightly coupled integration of the GNSS and IMU, gx/ix™ will allow you to survey challenging environments with confidence.

Join Sam Souliman, Senior Support Engineer at OxTS, as he examines OxTS gx/ix™ tight-coupling technology in more detail.

During the webinar you will learn:

  • What gx/ix™ tight-coupling technology is
  • Why you should use it
  • How to get the best results from gx/ix™

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We ran this session several times throughout May 2020, to enable our global audience to attend when most convenient for them.

If you missed this session, you can listen to a recording via this link.

To view more webinars from the OxTS Centre of Excellence and learn with confidence, please click here.








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