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Hear more from OxTS

Company News January 1, 2020

OxTS is committed to supporting our new and existing users.  Here are some ways to keep in touch:



Our Support Team are here to provide help and advice.

Our Sales Team and Channel Partners are here to suggest the best solutions to meet your needs.


News and updates

You can follow our dedicated social media channel(s) to hear the news most relevant for your area(s) of focus:

ADAS Testing (LinkedIn)

Autonomous Vehicles (LinkedIn)

Vehicle Dynamics (LinkedIn)

Mobile Mapping (LinkedIn)

Aerial Survey (LinkedIn)

UAV Based Mapping (LinkedIn)


For our Chinese-speaking customers, we’re also available on WeChat via this QR code:

OxTS WeChat QR code



Want to hear more? Please subscribe to our newsletters and we’ll be pleased to share news, support and advice with you regularly.


And for OxTS Company news, we’re here on LinkedIn and Twitter:

Oxford Technical Solutions Ltd (LinkedIn)

@OxfordTechnical (Twitter)


OxTS testing car


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