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NAVsuite and RT-Range: next generation ready

Software Releases August 31, 2019

New features, improved usability and next generation INS support for our latest software releases

We are pleased to announce the release of two new software updates: NAVsuite 2.6, the latest version of the software used to configure, monitor and analyse the data from our GNSS/INS, and RT-Range Suite for ADAS engineers.

NAVsuite 2.6 and the revised RT-Range software have been launched as complementary releases to our latest v3 inertial navigation systems. The updates include new features, offer enhanced usability and support the improved functionality of our latest INS products.

UPDATE Navsuite                                                                                  UPDATE RT-Range


A key feature of NAVsuite 2.6 is a comprehensively updated NAVconfig application, previously available as a beta release. Built to reduce the potential for configuration errors and missed measurements, which can cause issues during warm-up and testing, NAVconfig now uses a step-by-step wizard. This is to help support new users and ensure those who are experienced can still run through configuration quickly.

Alongside the workflow improvements, the new release also offers full support for the next-generation RT products, including:

  • Configuration of the embedded NTRIP client, for those undertaking open-road testing
  • CAN-FD output and acquisition support
  • Wi-Fi adapter configuration, to wirelessly view real-time data and increase communication capability with devices on an XLAN network

Survey users will also benefit from the updated NAVsuite, with new LiDAR survey functionality added to NAVconfig. The addition of LiDAR scanner synchronisation options make configuration easier and avoids the need to navigate through advanced commands and multiple pages, while we have ensured the interface can be easily expanded for new LiDAR hardware in the future.

Elsewhere within NAVsuite, NAVsolve also includes new functionality for LiDAR survey users. Local coordinates from a LiDAR survey can now be added in post-process rather than just real-time, and the addition of SecondsOfDay to the POS format increases compatibility between NAVsolve and customer software.

Additional new features include:

  • Default settings and improved error handling for Batch process
  • All available data rates are populated in Export “Output Data Rate” for Batch process
  • Default export file path now routes to the same folder as the NCOM file

RT-Range Suite

Released in parallel with NAVsuite 2.6 is the latest version of the RT-Range software for configuring ADAS test scenarios and the real-time display of data. The RT-Range suite has been upgraded to take full advantage of the new functionality provided by the next-generation RT products. Plus it offers an enhanced user experience with clearer configuration and improved consistency across its interfaces.

The RT-Range software’s CAN configuration updated mirrors that found in NAVconfig, making it easier to select/deselect CAN messages. Also, the polygon tool now allows the user to set a car’s dimensions when using the ‘drag and drop’ functionality. In addition, we have added an auto-complete function that facilitates the creation of a vehicle outline. Further new enhancements include:

  • A compass to show vehicle heading when doing a feature point survey
  • Prompts to ensure local coordinates are configured to enable Bird’s Eye View polygon data
  • Clearer product selection on Read Configuration page

How to download the latest software updates

Existing customers can download NAVsuite 2.6 and RT-Range Suite from the support site.

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