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OxTS launches OxTS Georeferencer

Software Releases March 4, 2020


GUI Graphic User Interface

OxTS release a new software application designed to boresight and georeference LiDAR data, in conjunction with our INS product range, to generate accurate 3D pointclouds.

The new application – OxTS Georeferencer – has been designed to help survey users begin their mobile mapping journey on any vehicle. The application includes two main features; an automatic boresight calibration algorithm and a basic georeferencing function that outputs an LAS pointcloud.

The boresight calibration method can be used to intelligently calculate the boresight misalignment between a LiDAR and INS device, while the georeferencing function can synchronise and fuse a LiDAR and INS data set to generate a pointcloud in the popular LAS format.

OxTS Georeferencer PointCloud


Version 1 has been developed with compatibility for the Velodyne VLP-16 and any OxTS INS. More LiDAR models will be added in future releases.

For more information about the software and boresight calibration visit the OxTS Georeferencer product page, or contact

Check out the effects of boresight calibration on a UAV using an xNAV550 and Velodyne VLP-16 below…



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