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OxTS Georeferencer


OxTS Georeferencer is a software tool developed by OxTS that combines navigation data from an INS, with LiDAR data from a range of sensors to create an accurate georeferenced point cloud.

Through a simple ‘drag-and-drop’ method, OxTS Georeferencer will take a processed navigation trajectory file (from both OxTS and third-party INS devices) and at the touch of a button, use it to georeference LiDAR data to create a LAS point cloud file that can be viewed in many third party LiDAR software packages.

OxTS Georeferencer also has a built-in boresight calibration tool that will align the coordinate frames of the sensors on a payload to eliminate pointcloud blurring and double-vision.



OxTS Georeferencer Datasheet

Download the OxTS Georeferencer datasheet and learn how you can easily boresight your payload and confidently georeference raw LiDAR data from multiple sensors.

The datasheet contains key information about the software including:

  • The potential applications for which OxTS Georeferencer
    can be used
  • LiDAR integrations
  • Key features


Read Infosheet

OxTS Infosheet Cover Image

OxTS Boresight Calibration in action!

The boresight calibration tool within OxTS Georeferencer can be used to align the coordinate frames of an INS and LiDAR sensor, eliminating blurring and double vision from the resulting point clouds.

Through a simple, data-driven method, users of the boresight calibration tool can improve the accuracy of their point clouds in minutes.

Here OxTS customer Klau Geomatics demonstrate their before and after boresight calibration results.

If you’re interested in seeing how OxTS Georeferencer can be used to eliminate blurring and double-vision from your point clouds get in touch.

OxTS Georeferencer – point cloud fly-throughs…

OxTS Pointclouds

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