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Webinar: Get the most from NAVdisplay: real-time monitoring software

Webinars June 2, 2021 Webinar

Join Rhianna Ganly-Thomas, Support Engineer at OxTS, for a step-by-step guide to OxTS’ real-time monitoring software; NAVdisplay.

We recommend this session for new users, who are looking to get up to speed with the software for everyday use.


After attending, you’ll:

Support from OxTS: the inertial navigation (INS) experts

• Be familiar with all the main functionality within NAVdisplay,
including templates and adding/customising widgets.

• Understand when and how to use the Quick Config utility

• Be prepared to monitor the output of an RT with confidence.





If you missed the live sessions, you can click here to watch the recording.



Further resources:



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