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Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

Create commercially viable products with accurate and robust robot localisation.

GNSS/INS for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

Break free of infrastructure and create AMRs that can start up and navigate anywhere.

One of the most exciting things about the autonomous mobile robotics space is the variety of applications people are exploring. From robotic fruit pickers to autonomous robots cleaning hotel corridors, the demand for robots that can accurately navigate with no need for manual intervention or pre-determined paths and tracks, is growing.

It’s no secret that your AMR’s robot localisation solution is vital for robust and accurate AMR navigation. But it may surprise you to know that the right localisation solution can also help you introduce features that customers will love – all while keeping the end product commercially viable.

OxTS GNSS/INS devices combine cutting edge IMU technology, survey-grade GNSS receivers, and advanced algorithms to deliver centimetre-level position accuracy even in areas where GNSS signal is limited. Our sensor fusion interface also makes it possible to feed data from a wide range of additional sensors into the navigation engine for indoor navigation or additional accuracy in challenging environments like urban canyons.

Combined with powerful software features specifically designed for robotic projects, and commercial options designed for those building products for sale, OxTS can help you create an AMR fleet that ticks all the boxes.

Industrial automation

Our Three-Part Solution for AMR Navigation

OxTS GNSS/INS devices for AMR navigation

RT1003 v2

Ready for challenging GNSS environments

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Robust performance in an economical package - with ethernet and CAN interfaces

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Robust performance in an economical package
(Ethernet and Serial)

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xRED3000 – OEM board

for when competitive advantage matters

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Software Applications

OxTS GNSS/INS are supplemented by a range of software tools to help you collect and understand your data as well as improve your final deliverables. The software applications we recommend you use for autonomous mobile robot navigation are mentioned here.



NAVsuite is a complimentary set of software applications that is included with every purchase of an OxTS GNSS/INS. The software allows you to:

+ Configure your OxTS GNSS/INS.

+ Monitor the navigation data from your GNSS/INS in real time.

+ Enhance your real-time test data, in post-process, with an automated command line tool.

+ Plot, analyse and export your test data.

OxTS GAD Interface

The OxTS GAD Interface enables you to feed additional sensor data into your OxTS navigation engine improving performance in areas where GNSS signal is weak, non-existent, or jammed.

  • Configure updates from external sensors including LiDAR, airspeed sensors, cameras and more.
  • Set variance levels, lever arms and navigation frames to ensure your data synchronises perfectly.
  • Available in C++ and Python.


LiDAR Inertial Odometry (LIO)

An optional software feature, OxTS LIO enhances data accuracy in GNSS-denied spaces using velocity updates from a LiDAR. Compatible with a wide range of 360° field-of-view LiDAR sensors, LIO seamlessley integrates into your existing workflow through a command line tool.

Sensors from the following manufacturers are supported:

+ Velodyne

+ Hesai

+ Ouster

+ RoboSense

+ Riegl

OxTS ROS drivers

We have developed and maintain our own ROS 2 driver to ensure that the data from your OxTS INS can be used by your wider ROS network. The driver takes the data from your INS and decodes it to provide all the navigation data from the INS in the ROS message format.

A separate ROS 1 driver, developed by Dataspeed Inc. is also available.

GNSS/INS Features for AMR navigation

Standard GNSS/INS

All OxTS GNSS/INS devices come pre-loaded with a number of important features as standard. Whichever device you choose for your autonomous navigation project, you will be able to take advantage of the following:


+ ITAR-free hardware – Streamline administration overheads when your hardware needs to be shipped overseas.

+ Dual antenna RTK capability – Achieve high-accuracy position, orientation and dynamics data, even at low speeds.

+ Built-in NTRIP client – Easily access real-time corrections for precise data collection.

+ Free-of-charge support – Every OxTS INS qualifies for complimentary support from our teams in the UK, USA, Germany and China.

+ Sensor fusion as standard – Incorporate data from your other sensors into the OxTS navigation engine with the OxTS Generic Aiding Data (GAD) Interface.

Optional Autonomous Navigation

To create an attractive and commercially viable AMR you need robust navigation and user-friendly features. The following optional features are all included in the autonomy feature bundle that can be added to your OxTS GNSS/INS:

+ gx/ix tight-couplingSpeeds up RTK reacquisition after transient but complete GNSS outage meaning more accurate navigation data for longer (see example below).

+ OxTS LiDAR Inertial Odometry – Use LiDAR to constrain position drift and improve navigation performance in urban canyons.

+ Hot start initialisation – Enables your INS to initialise while stationary, even without a GNSS signal, so your AMR can initialise indoors and navigate outside by itself.

+ PTP and gPTP time synchronisation – Master and client functionality makes it easier to integrate your GNSS/INS into an existing payload.

+ UCOM data messaging – Gives you more control over your data outputs to simplify your architecture, increase safety, and more.

GNSS Only vs INS with gx/ix

gx/ix tight-coupling technology is an advanced GNSS processing engine and GNSS/IMU tight-coupling for enhanced urban performance in real-time and post-process.

The image comparison above shows the improvement in position data when using an OxTS GNSS/INS with gx/ix enabled vs a GNSS-only solution. Move the slider and see for yourself!

Autonomous Robot Navigation Solution Brief

AMRs need a robust robot localisation solution; a tool that not only records the position and orientation of the robot, but also operates both indoors and outdoors.

This solution brief steps through the aspects we recommend our customers consider when deciding on their source of localisation for their autonomous mobile robots.

Read the solution brief to learn how the right robot localisation solution can help your AMR project, including the key questions you need to ask yourself before embarking on a project.

AMR Solution Brief

Want a robust robot localisation solution for your AMR fleet?

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